
Angel Santos

Angel Santos
30 Years Old, Confidential
Weight Change – 173.1 lbs to 141 lbs

For the uninitiated, the moment they get that determination and drive to transform themselves, the very first thing they do would be to google up programs. However, this can be concerning as majority of the plans readily available on the internet are either FAD diets/methods or generic ones which may negatively impact the person.

Angel didn’t know better a few months back, subjecting herself to focus on her workouts and coupling that with IF, she barely made results. Luckily, her friends were already part of our program(some even featured) and since curiosity got the best of her, decided to try us too.

8 months in and 32.1 lbs lighter, not only did her relationship with food improved overall, but her overall energy levels improved together with her mood. The best part is that she doesn’t feel deprived nor starved at all! The visuals very much show the quality and extent of her ongoing transformation.

If you’re looking for a NO BS, honest guidance with realistic results, then look no further. We have over 370+ client transformation stories posted to date!

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