
Anonymous Eva

Anonymous “Eva”
32 Years Old, Banker
Weight Change – 172.2 lbs to 164.3 lbs

Juggling between your work and your kid is never easy, add a desk job which requires you to sit for hours at a time and what you get is a recipe for increased fat storage which was EXACTLY what happened to Eva.

Eva is a hardworking mom of one, and despite the challenges she faces with her job and being a mother, she still finds time to try and live a healthier lifestyle. I’ll be honest, there were several instances wherein I felt that Eva’s motivation and determination was fading and it showed when our progress stalled early on. She didn’t lose hope though as shown in her transformation photo. She was able to pick herself up and carry on hence the 7.9 lbs weight loss in a span of 3 months. Ultimately, it is still progress. It’s not in my nature to compare client progress as we all have our own individual variables to consider but nonetheless I’m proud of what Eva has achieved.

Quality weight loss is the simplest way to explain what Eva experienced during our previous months. Although she merely lost 7.9 lbs it looks as if she lost more based on her transformation photo and THAT is what counts. Who cares about a 20-30 lbs weight loss if you don’t look the part?

Cheers to a fitter and healthier you Eva! You’re definitely starting your year right!

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