
Anonymous Terrence

Anonymous Terrence
27 years Old, Confidential
Weight Change – 165 lbs to 145.2 lbs

A husband to a very supportive wife and a father to a beautiful baby boy, Terrence is just like most working dads out there, busy with barely enough time to take care of themselves. Terrence is working two jobs, senior software developer for an IT company from 11 am to 8 pm and a freelance web developer from 10 pm to 3 am on top of his daddy/husband duties.

The schedule constraint made Terrence bloat to as high as 165 lbs and this made him seek help and it was at that moment that he came across our page. Surely enough we assessed Terrence thoroughly and figured that his issue is just like most of our clients, nutritional by nature.

There was nothing fancy nor special about Terrence’s nutrition plan. This is pure and simple honest guidance but as you can see, the result he was able to achieve in 2 months are those mostly seen from people dieting from 4-6 months.

No magic nor tricks, just a no BS, honest guidance with realistic results. To know more about us, kindly visit https://thearchitect.ph.

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