
Anonymous Tommy

Anonymous Tommy
24 Years Old, Confidential
Weight Change – 172 lbs to 147.4 lbs

It wasn’t long ago that we first got to speak with Tommy regarding his weight issues. Just like the majority of you, he tried to DIY his fitness journey and while it did work for a while for him, he found himself seemingly in a plateau and that was when we stepped in. What was supposed to initially be a month or two of engagement spanned into a solid 11 months and counting and this wasn’t due to lack of progress. On the contrary, it was because he was consistently progressing month in and out that made him stay and want to achieve further with our plans.

We’ve always encouraged our clients to focus on the visuals instead of the scale weight changes but what does that exactly entail? Often times, we tend to forget that there are a variety of factors that can affect weight may it be temporary or permanent and as such fluctuations are normal. This is the very reason as to why we also discourage weighing everyday. As for the visuals however, you need to lose a considerable amount of body fat percentage for it to show, now body fat percentage reduction does not necessarily equate to a huge drop in weight. As muscle is more dense than fat, it weighs heavier and as such you may be losing the latter without it translating into a significant enough weight change. This also explains a lot of our previous transformations wherein clients only lost 2-3 lbs or less but looks as if they lost more. Always opt for quality weight loss above all else.

Tommy’s visual changes would very much speak for itself. From the way his midsection’s thickness improved as well as the huge improvement in his leanness resulting in the silhouette of his abs popping out, achieving such requires precision in terms of nutritional computation as well as workout programming. The former being the more important one. If you’ve stalled in your progress just like Tommy, then perhaps it’s time for you to seek professional help.

For a NO BS, honest guidance with realistic results, please do visit https://thearchitect.ph for more info! We have over 270+ client transformation stories posted to date!

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