
Aries Alejandro

Aries Kalbz
35 years Old, Professional Esports Caster
Weight Change – 183.9 lbs to 161.9 lbs

To generalize that people from the gaming community are living an unhealthy lifestyle may they be professionally or casually affiliated is a huge insult to this wonderful booming community. While it may hold true in certain instances, most of these Esports personalities are very much health conscious in a lot of ways. Various professional Esports teams abroad are sponsoring fitness programs for their employees and athletes alike. Local Esports personalities have started to get a hold of their health and took command of what once was an unhealthy lifestyle.

Aries or Kalbz as he is more commonly known in the industry is one of the many Esports personalities we’re currently helping and he has shown exceptional results in his 2 months with us. He has lost a total of 22 lbs and has the visual changes to show it as well! His tummy was significantly reduced and his overall energy and mood improved greatly throughout this time frame.

Being an Esports caster is no easy task. There will be events wherein they’re required to sacrifice an entire day just to cover it all and this would usually have minimal breaks in between. Sometimes it would require them to stay up late just to be able to cover international events as well. While this will definitely affect one’s health, with the proper guidance, we could very much avert most negative health effects and turn it favorable for us.

We are genuinely with the community in seeing everyone live a much healthier and fitter lifestyle and with the likes of Aries and the other Esports personalities leading the way, we’re very much certain that it is only a matter of time before this becomes a full on trend.

For a NO BS, honest guidance with realistic results, please do visit https://thearchitect.ph for more info!

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