
Arwin Layson

Arwin Siy Layson
25 years Old, Confidential
Weight Change – 156.9 lbs to 138.6 lbs

Today, allow me to educate everyone regarding the “skinny fat” body type which also happens to be the most difficult one to manage. The “skinny fat” body type is ectomorphic by nature which makes things complicated as these individuals are skinny in most of their body with the exception of their tummy(most of the time).

That in itself is the dilemma. You try to make them lose weight and they’ll look anorexic. You try to build them up despite the tummy? It’ll only make their tummy bigger. So how do you fix such a problem?


Precision in Arwin’s nutrition plan computation, to ensure that the increments and decrements of his calories are paced accordingly, with the sole intention to CONTROL the weight being shed.

This is only possible with the right knowledge in nutrition and workout programming. People in the fitness industry know just how vulnerable “skinny fat” individuals are due to the difficulty in transforming the said body type. Hence they are susceptible to scams from people claiming a “quick-fix get fit scheme” may it be in the form of “special training”, “supplements” or any methods other than proper nutrition. Be wary of such offerings and always remember that PROPER NUTRITION is key. Supplements from the term itself is just there to support, without proper nutrition, it’ll just be burning another hole in your pocket. The same can be said with working out as working out without proper nutrition will NOT give you favorable results.

But hey don’t take our word for it, instead you may go ahead and read up on about a dozen skinny fat transformation stories, complete with their before and after photos in our website.

Arwin, you did really well buddy! Thank you for allowing us to feature you to serve as an inspiration to all the other skinny fat guys out there! You are fighting a good fight, keep it up!

For a NO BS, honest guidance with realistic results please do visit https://thearchitect.ph for more info!

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