
Barbara Nicdao

Barangski Nicdao
32 years Old, BPO Agent
Weight Change – 147.4 lbs to 136 lbs

Through the years, we do honestly believe that the strength of our brand primarily comes from authenticity. We feature everyday people like you and I. Barbs is no different. She’s been in the BPO industry for the longest time and while there have been numerous wrong perceptions about the industry as a whole, we hope that we could clarify some of them via her transformation.

While it is true that her “before” state was due to neglect, it wasn’t specifically due to her work in the BPO industry. On the contrary, back in 2016 during Barbs’ fittest, she was already working for a BPO company while being active with hiking. It wasn’t until she got transferred to a graveyard shift that things started to shift towards complacency and neglect.

We took into consideration Barb’s fitness level as well as her routines and we crafted her a customized plan intended to minimize the damage that a graveyard shift could impose onto her body while simultaneously trying to reverse the effects of years of neglect. 3 months into our journey and we’re happy to share with everyone Barb’s results so far. Majority of her weight issue has been taken cared of and we’re happy that her energy levels as well as overall mood improved as well. Visually speaking, the thickness of her tummy was reduced to a slight bump which is visible from both side and front view photos.

It takes a lot of courage to improve on one’s lifestyle for the better, but once you start it(depending on who you choose to guide you), it shouldn’t be that difficult nor that different contrary to what most would think. Our clients still get to eat Adobo, Mechado, Kaldereta and even Fried Chicken. It all comes down to how knowledgeable the coaches are in terms of nutrition and fitness as a whole.

For a NO BS, honest guidance with realistic results, please do visit https://thearchitect.ph for more info!


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