
Caisam Nopueto

Caisam Yvez F. Nopueto
25 years Old, Analyst/Caster
Weight Change – 167.2 lbs to 154.4 lbs

An analyst/caster for Mineski as well as one of the first few to host ESPN Esports for TV5, “Wolf”, as he’s more famously called in the local e-sports community, has his daily schedule packed with game analysis, tapings as well as write ups on top of his other projects but despite this, he still makes time to prep his own meals and workout.

E-sports is very much engraved into our head coach’s lifestyle as he was once a hardcore gamer during his younger days. It was hardcore to the point that he would sleep in computer shops out of his passion for gaming(RO, WoW, Dota 1, Counter Strike, O2 Jam, Path of Exile). We KNOW as to how unhealthy it could get if one chooses to be a part of this industry, hence we did what we could to craft a customized plan suitable for Wolf’s lifestyle.

Today, as we share Wolf’s transformation, we initiate a movement for change in the local E-sports scene. A change in how people perceive gamers and a change in a gamer’s lifestyle. Most people would associate gamers and people in the industry as either skinny or obese individuals due to the unhealthy lifestyle it entails but that could be farther from the truth. Gamers can train like athletes too outside the game and look healthy and Wolf is proof of that. We want to correct all the negative associations unfairly linked to being a part of this industry. If you think this isn’t enough motivation to join the movement, allow us to enumerate other benefits one might get from this lifestyle change : Increase in energy, better mood, better reflexes and coordination. We cannot stress out as to how important these are in an industry wherein split seconds can mean the difference between a flight to the finals or a flight back home.

Today we start the movement with Wolf. Tomorrow? We try to reshape the industry, at least in terms of health and fitness. You did really well Wolf, the team is very much looking forward to seeing you progress further! Keep up the good work and keep inspiring!

For a NO BS, honest guidance with realistic results, please do visit https://thearchitect.ph for more info!

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