
Celina Grace

Celina Grace
26 years Old, ABA Therapist
Weight Change – 123.2 lbs to 120 lbs

Hour glass body? Abs? Easy! It wasn’t always like this for Celina. Despite being active with various workouts and activities in her home base in Thailand, Celina still lacked that needed “OOMPH!” to finally lean her up and this is quite common to a lot of individuals. They often resort to overdoing their exercises in the hopes of further leaning themselves out but in reality they’re doing the opposite by overtraining.

You see, when it comes to finally showing those abs, or even just the silhouette of it would be highly dependent on one’s nutritional intake. Without the proper nutritional guidance that is close to impossible. As for Celina, she was progressing really well and we were supposed to feature her after her second month but unfortunately she had to attend to something personal and as such she temporarily went downhill. She was close to giving up having a compliance rate of 50% and below week per week but somehow we managed to slap her back to reality and here we are now, 3.2 lbs and quite the silhouette of an abs which brought out and further enhanced her hour glass body.

One piece of valuable advice we can give to everyone regardless of their fitness level is that instead of drilling down on your workout program further, it would be better to reassess your nutritional intake as nutrition is king regardless if your goal is to lean up or to bulk up.

If you’re doing your best and still aren’t able to hit your fitness goals then perhaps you might need to reassess if the method you’re following is sound. For a NO BS, honest guidance with realistic results, please do visit https://thearchitect.ph for more info!

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