Even before her enrollment in our services, Kiara has already immersed herself in being active. The only problem she faced was that despite this, she is unable to achieve her desired body goals. It was this realization which led her to focus on the one aspect that she had minimal knowledge about, Nutrition. That realization led her to us and the rest is history.
In just a span of around a month, she was able to drop a full size, losing 6.6 lbs in the process! Her midsection clearly improved thickness wise! You can also see just how enhanced her cuts are this time around. Her side profile shows the huge difference in terms of width! Even her arms are leaner too! This is a perfect testament as to how potent proper nutrition is!
If we are to analyze Kiara’s body, her before photo wasn’t that bad to begin with. The silhouette of her abs are already out and her arms are already lean. But of course, the question that some people would ask themselves is “can this be better?” and for Kiara’s case, it can!
If you’re fed up with trying to DIY your fitness journey with minimal to almost no results, then perhaps it’s time that you leave it to the professionals. You’ll be saving resources in the long run, time included, which is a resource which you can never get back.
For a NO BS, honest guidance with realistic results, please visit https://thearchitect.ph for more info!