
Cookie Cruz

Cookie Cruz
26 years Old, Confidential
Weight Change – 158 lbs to 144 lbs

This week is filled with some intense transformation stories and we’ll be showing off with Cookie’s for today! Imagine doing all sorts of methods just to get your weight down only for it to rebound back shortly after. Imagine the frustration and the degraded morale that comes with that.

We’ll set aside the explanations later and instead let us focus on just how beautiful Cookie’s midsection turned out to be after just 2 MONTHS of being in our program. The tightness of her midsection seems as if we “surgically” removed her tummy. This can only be done by precised computational planning. Her back fat also visibly minimized as seen in her side view photos. Her front view photo tell the same story as we were able to enhanced her curves and minimize her width and thickness.

So what exactly did we let cookie do? Well let us tell you what she DIDN’T do. We didn’t let her do IF, Keto or any of those fad diets and instead we gave her a proper nutrition plan. This means she’s consuming carbohydrates a fair amount of it, normal amounts of protein as well as healthy fat. No magic, no bullshit, just honest guidance with realistic results.

For a NO BS, honest guidance with realistic results, please do visit https://thearchitect.ph for more info!

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