Good food and bad food? Is there really such a thing? Well yes, but would mostly depend on your current fitness level as well as your fitness goals. In this second episode of Diet Hacks, I explained as to the hierarchy of protein and carbohydrate sources from best to worst for the regular individual(not athletes or the genetically gifted individuals). So let’s get down to it shall we?

Carbohydrate Hierarchy

As previously explained in episode 1, rule of thumb would be that sedentary people would choose the LOW GI(Slow digesting carb sources) and the more active ones may choose the MID-HIGH GI(Fast digesting carb sources). This has something to do with the way our body converts these ingredients into energy. Fat in our body are basically just stored or unused energy and with that said, a sedentary person won’t not need that much energy to begin with and eating a fast digesting carb source such as rice or pasta would bombard his/her body with glucose to be utilized as fuel(energy), but since he/she doesn’t really need that much the excess would be stored as fat, simple as that.

Best Options(Low GI/Slow Digesting Carb Sources)

  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Corn
  • Quinoa
  • Veggies
  • Colored Rice(Specifically Black)

Next Best(Mid GI Carb Sources)

  • Wheat Bread
  • Pita Bread
  • Oatmeal

Worst Options(High GI Carb Sources)

  • Rice
  • Pasta
  • Bread(White)
  • Potatoes

Protein Hierarchy

When it comes to protein, most people would think more is better but there is only so much protein that our body can process that the excess becomes fat or is simply excreted out hence wasted. The leanest protein source you could possibly consume would be fish followed by chicken and then beef and then pork(in that order). So how about Turkey, Lamb or Veal? Please do understand that this guide is intended for the general public who frequents ordinary restaurants during their vacations, chances of these places having turkey, lamb or veal would be low hence I didn’t bother discussing about the other options, only the common ones.

Best Option

  • Fish Options

Next Best

  • Chicken
  • Beef

Worst Option

  • Pork

I wasn’t able to discuss about the Fat hierarchy, as I will be tackling Fat, separately in a stand alone video in the future as it will require a multitude of explanations to discuss it thoroughly. Remember these hierarchies when dining out with the intention of keeping yourself fit and healthy! Always remember to eat in moderation! If you like our video content, you may support us by subscribing to our youtube channel and by liking and sharing our videos on social media! Thank you so much for the support!

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