
Wedding preparations are tedious enough as is, from looking for reputable vendors to ensuring that the preparations go smoothly, it is sure to cast a cold sweat to even the most patient soon to weds. However, most would neglect the most important aspect of every wedding celebration; THEMSELVES. From having beautiful pre-nup photos to fitting [Read More…]

Carbohydrates Most people would associate carbohydrates as something negative. They would choose to skip it altogether or eat very little amounts of it on a daily basis. BUT WHY? Glucose which primarily comes from carbohydrates is our body’s main source of energy. Glycolysis which is the process of breaking down glucose would release pyruvic acid [Read More…]

One of the biggest problems my clients face is “How do I fix my diet while out of town or out of the country?” and honestly? It’s simpler than you think. Our Diet Hacks series will cover this from which restaurants to go, what dishes to order and why to order them. So just a [Read More…]

“He told me to tuck my chin to keep my spine neutral” “Am I doing it wrong?” “But I don’t feel anything wrong with my current form?” I was recently approached by an apprentice with a dilemma, apparently someone approached him in the gym and figured it would be a good idea to give an [Read More…]