
Eri Neeman

Eri Neeman
31 years Old, Host
Weight Change – 211.8 lbs to 180 lbs

Eri was about a month into his weight loss journey when he decided to sign up for our services. His main goal? Simply was to lose some weight and a bit of strengthening and of course aesthetics. Just because you lose weight doesn’t mean aesthetics will follow.

His main concern is that his profession requires him to have ample amounts of energy, sometimes a bit more than necessary since he has instances wherein he does several events in a day. The thing here is, most people worry about taking a low calorie or high calorie diet, but you shouldn’t be taking either, just the fact that you’re choosing between high or low means that specific calorie count isn’t designed for you. What you should be taking is YOUR OWN customized calorie count and whatever that figure might be shouldn’t be categorized into either high or low because that IS what your body needs. Proper nutrition will NOT make you feel weak or sluggish no matter what the calories indicate since this should be the MINIMUM or MAXIMUM amount of calories that your body should be taking depending on your goal while still being in the healthy range.

The result you guys are seeing below is the effect of Eri’s dedication to his customized nutrition and workout plan. He’s not only lighter but he’s stronger too as shown in his deadlift videos on top of an improved figure! Our next goal is to hit 140kg on the Deadlift soon, probably in a month or two.

Eri, brother, the entire team is very much proud of you! Please continue to be this beacon of inspiration to everyone around you! God bless buddy and carry on!

For a NO BS, honest guidance with realistic results, please do visit https://thearchitect.ph for more info.

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