
Imel Aimeru

Imel Aimeru
34 years Old, Software Developer/Hobbyist Photographer
Weight Change – 204.6 lbs to 162.1 lbs

One of the first few things you get to notice when you start to gain excess weight is that you seem to be a lot slower with your reflexes, not to mention feeling tired and less energetic all throughout. This was certainly true for Imel as it was a daily struggle for him climbing up the footbridges as well as his office’s stairs. Another pain point he shared to us was the frustration when it comes to clothing sizes as well as sale pieces which would fit him prior to the start of his engagement with us.

With the height of 5’6 and starting weight of 204.6 lbs, it’s a no brainer that Imel suffered through these as he was classified as Obese. This however didn’t happen overnight as it was certainly the result of years of neglect regarding his overall health and nutrition and we couldn’t be happier when he initially approached us for help. Imel’s case isn’t really difficult to fix as this is mostly an issue with proper guidance and discipline and for as long as the client stays compliant, progress will definitely occur.

7 months into our program and 42.5 lbs later, Imel couldn’t be happier with his results, while certainly we are still in the progress of further improving on his aesthetics, a lot has changed for him such as better posture, improved energy and endurance levels, lesser back pains and of course, clothing on sale which actually fits him!

Overall we’re very proud of Imel’s progress and we do hope that his story would start a spark inside people who suffers from the same weight issues as he did. Do know that all is not lost as it can certainly be remedied and the only question you should be asking yourself is “When do I start?”

For a no BS, honest guidance with realistic results please do visit https://thearchitect.ph for more info!

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