
JC Mabalot

JC Mabalot
26 Years Old, Nurse Assistant
Weight Change – 85 lbs to 99.2 lbs

I’ve been getting a lot of inquiries regarding “Weight Gain” and as to why I don’t feature as much compared to results from “Weight Loss”. It’s not that I don’t want to, but it’s just that I seldom get goals pertaining to that. If I were to rate my specialization, I would put “Strength” on top followed by “Weight Gain” and “Weight Loss” would fall behind the two.

JC, is my ever loyal client from the United States. We’ve been working on her body transformation for a few months now and unlike results from weight loss, there is absolutely no shortcut when it comes to gaining lean mass. You go too fast, and you gain more fat. You go too slow and you burn it all away.

Most noticeable changes are her hips and legs. A stronger core and a more structured shoulder and arms. The biggest win is as to how her face looks a lot healthier.

All in all, the result is just a combination of proper nutrition and basic exercises. Nothing fancy, no gimmicks or supplements. I think it’s also noteworthy that JC is the future sister in law of our previous feature Karl Salvador. I guess dedication and patience runs in the extended family too.

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