
Jhasy Osias

Jhasy Osias
34 Years Old, Civil Servant
Weight Change – 123.6 lbs to 108.9 lbs

While we don’t really have favorites when it comes to our clients, we do have a particular group which is endeared into our hearts and this would be our clients who are soon to weds. The reason primarily is that based from our experiences, clients who belong to this group are usually those who are very much disciplined and determined to transform.

Jhasy here is a soon to wed and we’ve been working with her since early February prior to the Enhanced Community Quarantine in the Philippines. What we love the most about Jhasy’s journey is, despite the pandemic worrying a lot of soon to weds, Jhasy remained calm and stuck to her diet as if there was no pandemic in place. You can clearly see how her side profile shows a HUGE improvement in terms of her thickness. Just look at how slim her tummy is! If you are to look at her front profile, you can see as to how her curves are more defined now to the point that even the silhouette of her abs is clearer than ever! 14.7 lbs in 2 months is no joke and while we don’t really emphasize on the weight being shed as we’re mostly after quality(visuals), Jhasy’s transformation is clearly a best of both worlds.

To say that the pandemic negatively affected the wedding industry as a whole would be an understatement. It doesn’t matter if you’re a soon to wed or a supplier, one way or the other, this would have affected you negatively. The thing about this is, this pandemic is beyond our control and to lose sleep because of it would be such a waste. We always remind our clients most especially our soon to wed clients to focus more on the things which they have absolute control over and one of those would be their health and fitness. If Jhasy’s transformation story would tell us one thing, that would be it’s quite possible to be fitter despite the quarantine! If you’re looking to go on a diet or to become fitter, now’s a really good time to start, especially since there are fewer temptations in place as eating out is definitely not an option!

For a NO BS, honest guidance with realistic results, please do visit https://thearchitect.ph for more info! We have over 250+ client transformation stories, posted to date!

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