
Joanna Capistrano

Joanna Capistrano(@johanamari)
28 Years Old, Interior Designer
Weight Change – 176 lbs to 161.3 lbs

There is a good reason as to why you shouldn’t solely refer to your scale weight as the basis for improvement regardless if your goal is to lose weight or bulk up. Joanna’s case is just one of the many I encountered in my 6 months of being a fitness consultant.

Joanna was barely showing any progress on the scale for an entire month and despite my numerous reassurances that she’s improving, the subtle changes in her body coupled with a faulty scale measurement made it frustrating enough for Joanna that she had a breakdown on her first month and I don’t blame her. As it turns out, her scale was broken. She had it replaced and the new scale showed that her current weight was higher than what the old one reported but despite this, she pushed herself and did everything she can to follow the plan.

Lo and behold 2 months later, this is the result of that positive mindset. Sometimes, all we need is that little positive reinforcement and understanding to allow us to pull through. The result is still a far cry from what I have planned for Joanna but you just cannot expect a few months of hard work to beat out years of negligence. Joanna knows this and my other clients know this. Keep up the positive mindset Joanna and we’ll get there eventually!

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