
John Luigi Gonzales

John Luigi Gonzales
31 years Old, Confidential
Weight Change – 204.4 lbs to 179.3 lbs

John first contacted us, early last year for an assessment and while we did give him our recommendations he decided not to push through with it due to self doubts and complacency. We were taken by surprised when he decided to message us again a few months back. 2 months to be exact and this time around he decided to take the leap of faith and went with our service. We could see from the way John conversed with us that there is definitely a sense of urgency this time around and we’re not really surprised as his blood sugar is really high not to mention his cholesterol levels(more specifically the bad cholesterol LDL) is through the roof. His Uric acid is unusually high as well.

2 Months after he started this journey with us, he lost a total of 25.1 lbs, visually speaking we have no words to describe as to how amazing it was for him. It’s as if we deflated a balloon! His tummy is pretty much gone, both front and side view photo wise. But the best part of it all? His blood sugar levels are back to normal, even his bad cholesterol has normalized! While his Uric acid remains above the limit, it significantly improved as well as shown on the attached before and after blood chem results.

John is not only healthier visually, but internally as well! These results are something which crash dieting as well as fad diets won’t be able to replicate. We’re very much happy with the way things went for John and the team is pretty much in high spirits after seeing his results! We do hope that by sharing his progress, it gets to inspire a lot of you guys too!

For a NO BS, honest guidance with realistic results, please do visit https://thearchitect.ph for more info!

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