
Joshua Jara

Joshua Jara(@joshuajara)
24 Years Old, Entrepreneur
Weight Change – 123 lbs to 121.3 lbs

It’s not everyday that you get to meet someone truly blessed with their genetics. When I first saw Joshua’s before photo, it was a wake up call! What the hell have I been doing for the past couple of years? I wasn’t even sure as to why this guy needed my help.

Don’t get me wrong though, Joshua isn’t really a beginner. He knows a thing or two about nutrition and about programming, he just needed someone to guide him further and correct his misconceptions if there are any. As you may have guessed, his main goal was to be bigger. According to him, he’s having a hard time gaining weight and true enough it showed during our first few weeks together, his weight barely moved, it even dropped.

I went back to the drawing board and reassessed. What is Joshua’s main concern? Is it really the weight? No, Joshua’s main concern is that he just wants to be bigger and by understanding that you would know that there are several ways to go about it, and I’ll be sharing two. The first one is by an increase in his daily calorie consumption which clearly isn’t enough. The second one is to ensure that he gains quality muscle while he steadily loses a bit of fat in the process. Quality muscle gains will make you look leaner and BIGGER. I have attached Joshua’s before and after photo(side view) for a better appreciation of his results. Josh lost 1.7 lbs instead of gaining weight but the question here is, were we able to achieve his goal to be bigger? I believe that is a resounding yes.

Fitness in general is easy, you just need to understand your goals as well as anticipate how your body will react. If it works? retain. If it doesn’t? You change it.

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