
Lloyd Esmeria

Lloyd Esmeria
38 years Old, Entrepreneur
Weight Change – 260 lbs to 241.2 lbs

When we talk about progress, we often focus on the end goal and as such, we tend to ignore the mini victories that we achieve throughout our journey. Today, we’d like to remind everyone that appreciating the mini victories is just as important as the larger ones as without the smaller victories, morale would be much lower and overall motivation might take a dip.

Take a look at Lloyd for example. One look at the transformation photos and you’ll know that this is not his ideal final form yet and that is because it isn’t. We deliberately featured Lloyd to show you guys that despite his body being an ongoing project, we can still admire the changes which he was able to achieve in 4 months time. His tummy and chest is visibly flatter from both front and side view, losing a total of 18.8 lbs during this period.

Everyone progresses differently due to several factors but one thing is for certain, learn to appreciate your progress no matter how small, and after a while you’ll be amazed as to how these mini victories would compound into something greater. As for Lloyd? You can bet your entire life savings that this guy is now motivated more than ever to further take care of his current progress and aim to improve further.

It’s not as to how fast you can lose the weight, but as to how long can you sustain the lifestyle.

For a no BS, honest guidance with realistic results please do visit https://thearchitect.ph for more info!

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