
Mervinlee Tan

Mervinlee Tan
25 years Old, Google Cloud Architect
Weight Change – 176.9 lbs to 170 lbs

Today is a historic moment for us, as we will be featuring a client, for all the wrong reasons and before we go further, we must make it clear that Mervin is a good friend of our head coach and as such he is a friend of Team Architect. We love you Merv!

It took Mervin 4 months to lose 6.8 lbs, a number which we do not have any problem with. As a matter of fact, his transformation is solid! His tummy clearly flattened out and his face and chest had an improvement in terms of definition. Our main concern is the fact that half of this 4 month duration was pure NON-COMPLIANCE which was caused by a variety of reasons from vacations to work but the important thing to note here is that his compliance rate is at 50% or less.

Now, we’re not exactly encouraging people to follow Mervin’s lead. If any, we want you guys to do the opposite and aim to comply as much as you can. If he can achieve this transformation with 50% compliance, imagine what his body would have looked like by now if he bumped it up to 80% at the minimum.

This also goes to show as to how potent our plans are. On top of the nutrition and workout plan, we also give out a nutrition recommendation to our clients. This is basically a set of okay and not okay food list as well as protocols to follow which is mainly intended for out of town or out of the country trips. We do believe Mervin’s saving grace was due to the fact that he followed this whenever he’s out on vacation(or partying).

Either way buddy, we’re proud of what we have accomplished so far and we do hope that our succeeding months would be better, compliance wise! For a NO BS, honest guidance, with realistic results, please do visit https://thearchitect.ph for more info!

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