
Michelline Nasser

Michelline Shayne Nasser
24 Years Old, Confidential
Weight Change – 118.8 lbs to 117.4 lbs

In my 1+ year of operations, I’ve met several types of clients, there are the super compliant ones, the none compliant ones, the seldom compliant ones and then there’s Mich. Mich knows, what she wants, knows what to do, determined to really change her physique but chooses not to do it. There are several instances wherein she would show very good progress in a week and then revert back to her old habits for another week which brings us back to where we started. You guys get the picture.

Despite these setbacks, Mich was able to pull through our body re-composition project nicely. She only lost 1.4 lbs but if you’re to base it from the photo, especially the side view photo, you would see it’s as if she lost way more than that. It’s all about quality weight loss and Mich was able to attain that. Most people wouldn’t be happy with just 1.4 lbs worth of weight loss in 5 months of engagement but let me ask you this, If I can make you lose 1 lb, but you LOOK GOOD, you FEEL GOOD, then shouldn’t that suffice? Why should we go down further in weight? It’s all about practicality and sustainability. Do not base your progress solely in weight changes. I personally would classify TRUE RESULTS as VISUAL CHANGES and NOT scale weight changes.

Mich, you were able to pull through and I’ve told you this countless times but I’ll say it again, I’m proud of you and I’m happy as to how dedicated you are right now vs how you were when we first started. I do hope that you get to continue this momentum moving forward. May you get to inspire more people!

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