
Mike Nunez

Mike Daniel Nuñez
21 Years Old, Confidential
Weight Change – 156.5 lbs to 140.6 lbs

My engagement with Mike is probably one of the more memorable ones considering that we’ve only spoken on the phone ONCE, and throughout our entire engagement, we’ve only communicated via email. On top of this, Mike was actually a skeptic, he told me this when he initially inquired. “How can you help people without even meeting them?” is one of the common questions thrown at me by clients and colleagues alike and my answer is always the same, “I listen”.

Mike was hesitant at first due to his inner struggles and initial lack of self esteem but as you can see, he was able to pull through and his results should speak for itself.

While being physically present in handling clients should be superior over any other forms of coaching, we’re able to beat on-site coaching results most of the time in almost a majority of our client transformations which we’ve shared so far. We are able to make what’s difficult(remote coaching), work for us and it is evident with the results our clients attain.

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