
Neku Silla

Neku Silla
25 Years Old, Application Analyst/Cosplayer
Weight Change – 152.6 lbs to 142.4 lbs

Dom here is part of the cosplay group which I’m currently handling for their upcoming major events for cosplay. I admire how these folks would light up my phone in the middle of the night, laughing at their jokes in our group chat while simultaneously supporting each other in their nutrition and workout programs.

The challenging part about handling this group is that their results and changes are so good that I’m having difficulties trying to convince everyone not to compare each other’s results despite all of them showing very good changes in their respective physiques.

Like I always say, the weight you’ve lost won’t matter if you don’t look the part. Dom’s transformation clearly shows the quality of the weight he lost in a short span of time. Again I’ve repeated this over and over again, we do not sell products nor is this another one of those MLM gimmicks. These are pure and honest nutritional and fitness guidance that gives realistic results in a short span of time, results which would usually take 6 months to a year or even more.

To all the CosCom folks, I’m very proud of you guys! Keep it up!

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