
Riza Imperial

Riza Imperial
29 years Old, Confidential
Weight Change – 170 lbs to 145.3 lbs

I can vividly remember the first time Riza messaged us. She just wanted to look good on her wedding which is coming up this September 2019. She informed us how she tried several diets before such as intermittent fasting and the “military diet” and would lose a bit of weight but would then regain it all back after a few days or after a day of eating a bit more than usual. She works from home and she sits most of the time, but despite this we were able to assess that her main issue is a nutritional issue and not a workout problem and as such we advised her to avail only of our nutrition plan to which she did.

Riza’s case is not isolated. The images that you see on this post is the result of her 6 months worth of engagement with us with just a NUTRITION ONLY plan. YES, you read that right. She barely exercises and yet her transformation is still drastic! This is one of the BEST we’ve seen so far for 2019! So keep up the good work Riza and keep inspiring!

Actually, don’t take our word for it. Riza actually has a message to everyone suffering from weight issues and a bit of insight regarding her experiences as well as learnings.

“i think i would say- i almost did all kinds of diet in the world including different diet food delivery and all those juices and i never thought that only The Architect would fit for me. It’s very simple actually- Just follow the plan and trust the plan. I never thought I’d lose this much weight in a span of months and I’m so happy I found The Architect. I learned so much from Tim. Losing weight is not instant and it really takes time, effort and focus. I learned that not everything applies to everyone, I mean, before kasi, I used to compare. I see someone doing this and she gets results, so I do the same, but unfortunately it doesn’t fit me. I learned that I need to listen to what my own body needs. I was also at the point of my fitness journey wherein my weight wouldn’t change at all for a week or two and when no one notices that I’m losing weight- I would get sad and depressed but I just continued and focused on what I’m doing and I’m very happy with my results. Although I’m not yet in target weight, I think this meal planning that I’m doing would be my normal routine already. 🙂

For a no BS, honest guidance with realistic results please do visit https://thearchitect.ph for more info!

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