Seldom do we encounter clients who seek our help with health as the priority(which should ALWAYS be the case), but having a family history of diabetes and heart disease made Rige fearful of her health. Add her weight tipping at around 63kg(138-139 lbs range) which ultimately made her decide to seek professional help!

Right off the bat during Rige’s assessment, we clarified that her circumstances does not require any form of workout to which she warmheartedly accepted. Something which is unusual as most clients would want to immediately incorporate a workout. This open and accepting demeanor is a key factor in allowing her to flatten her midsection and losing a total of 12.2 lbs in just a span of 3 months without negatively affecting the already lean parts of her body! A common issue in dealing with skinny fat individuals, which we consider as one of the most difficult body types to fix.

The entire engagement with Rige was a breeze, perhaps it was a combination of her openness to learn and willingness to set aside what she knows or think she knows. But make no mistake, while she made it seem easy, in reality, achieving such a feat requires precision in terms of plan computations. Do it wrong and you risk bloating the tummy further or looking anorexic.

If unsure as to what to do, it is best that you consult with the right professionals as not only will that help save you resources such as money and time, but it will also prevent you from damaging your body further.

For a NO BS, honest guidance with realistic results, please visit for more info!

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