We’ve said this multiple times before, aside from women with PCOS, one of the more challenging clients to transform would be skinny fat clients. Primarily because if you let them lose weight the wrong way, they’ll look anorexic and if you let them gain weight the wrong way, they’ll just bloat more and their tummy protrudes further. So how do you know when you’ve done it right? When the tummy protrusion lessens while maintaining most of their overall muscle composition.

RT here is a good example of that. Notice how his midsection leaned up nicely to the point that the lines on his abs are popping out, all the while losing the protrusion that was once seen from his midsection. But the best part here which we want to show you guys is how the muscle composition in his arms and shoulders remained almost the same if not, slightly leaner. This is what we mean by doing it right. So how did we do it? Simple, it’s through proper nutrition. No fasting, no keto, no fad diet.

RT now is entering phase 2, which is his building phase. Stay tuned in the coming months for the continuation to his fitness journey! If you’re skinny fat and have been wondering as to why nothing seems to work for you, it’s not that you’re not putting in the effort but more on an issue with whatever it is that you’re following.

For a NO BS, honest guidance with realistic results, please visit https://thearchitect.ph for more info. We have beyond 410+ client transformation stories posted to date!

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