It’s no secret that wedding preparations are stressful to say the least. One of the common issues that we see soon to weds do is to underestimate just how much time they have for their wedding preps and that includes their fitness journey. They fail to account for the fact that it’s usually closer to the wedding date that problems would start to arise and as such, they tend to be busier in the months leading up to their special day.

This is why we always tell soon to weds to plan their fitness journey and make their first or last fitting as their target end date and not their actual wedding date as adjustments will have to be made by their respective tailor/designers as they progress and Shayne’s story is a good reminder of that as she lost a good 2 inches off of her gown! Luckily for us, we started early and as such she was able to get it patched up without issues! One look at her visuals and you can see as to where the 2 inches came off from. Her love handles are gone and her midsection is way flatter with her cuts being more visible from both front and side profile! The best part is that she has enough energy to get through her day without feeling any form of hunger too!

When it comes to wedding preparations, preparing ahead of time is always better than last minute adjustments. The same can be said when preparing for your ideal body as quality transformations take time and we just can’t skip that part. We’re a firm believer of doing it fast by doing it right the first time.

For a NO BS, honest guidance with realistic results, feel free to visit for more info! We have beyond 410+ client transformation stories posted to date!

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