The summer season is officially here, a reminder incase you haven’t felt the sweltering heat as of late. As with every summer season, people are back at it with their fitness endeavors which is always a good thing but there’s just one tiny problem which we observed year after year, and that is the obsession with numbers, in the amount of weight lost or gained. But there’s a problem with weight being the sole basis of progress, and that is even muscle loss will present itself as weight loss just as much as fat gain will present itself as weight gain. People are more into quantity rather than quality and that opens up a HOST of different issues.

To better understand some of these issues, let’s have a look at Manny’s transformation. Pick an angle whether front or side profile, and undoubtedly you can see just how beautiful the transformation is. Not only was he able to flatten the belly protrusion but his love handles are back to being obliques again! Not to mention he was able to do this in a short span of time of just 3 months, dropping a total of 22.9 lbs with ZERO workout! Now why is this important? It’s because mainstream media has long conditioned us that working out is the answer to any weight loss endeavor which in a LOT of cases can actually be a detriment with the introduction of a prolonged spike in cortisol(The body’s stress hormones). Manny’s journey is a testament as to how potent proper nutrition is by itself.

We always remind our clients that it’s not always enough that we lose weight. We MUST do it right else we’ll lose it from the wrong areas and this is why precision is important in every plan computation that we do. Going back to Manny, you can see this from the way his tummy improved despite his arms close to his before state. Precision prevented him from looking anorexic. Losing weight is easy when done incorrectly, but at what cost? You slowly weaken your metabolism further and once your body reaches the self preservation mode(starvation mode) this is when your weight will slowly bounce back and once it does, your old crash dieting/fad tricks will not work a second time around. On top of a sagging skin issue which you have to resolve through expensive cosmetic procedures. Do it once by doing it right.

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