
Wati Orozco

Wati Orozco
27 years Old, Tutor/Teacher
Weight Change – 114.6 lbs to 104.2 lbs

We want you to first focus on Wati’s side view photo below. This particular photo is one of our favorites as it is a “foreshadowing” and we meant that literally. If you are to focus most specifically on the lit up parts of her midsection that is EXACTLY the size of her tummy on her after photo! The shadowed section of Wati’s tummy in her before side view photo is what we were able to remove in 4 month’s time! Imagine that laser cut precision! Her front view photos would show us a tighter midsection with the silhouette of her abs slowly coming out.

When dealing with ectomorphs it is quite important to note that every bit of calories added or reduced in their plans is vital into ensuring that they do not BLOAT up or turn ANOREXIC. We were nothing but precise and careful when we were computing for Wati’s month on month fitness plan and not only did she lean up but her athletic performance improved as well!

Wati was able to conquer a 10km run a few months back even while on a calorie deficit. Imagine what kind of a plan is potent enough to cause an improvement in a person’s endurance while being on a deficit. She barely felt any adverse effects in her energy levels and on the contrary she felt energetic all throughout! This is a good indicator that the plan was tailored to her needs.

When we get to push our clients to do better, we make sure that we push ourselves twice as hard to improve on our own skill sets as coaches. Our company’s very existence is based on our clients’ results and as such it is in our best interest to ensure that both our clients and ourselves would be in a constant cycle of improvement.

For a NO BS, honest guidance with realistic results, please do visit https://thearchitect.ph for more info!

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