

Jason Brian Belen

Jason Brian Belen37 Years Old, ConfidentialWeight Change – 162.8 lbs to 151.8 lbs When we hear the word “dadbod” the first thing that usually comes to mind would be a tummy pouch, beer on hand and some huge trousers with a belt keeping it together. But our team strongly believes this shouldn’t be the norm. [Read More…]


Charles Kenrick Chua

Charles Kenrick Chua32 Years Old, ConfidentialWeight Change – 187 lbs to 161.8 lbs What initially started as a way for Charles and his Fiance(now wife) to be fit on their wedding day, became a full on obsession in his quest to better his overall health and fitness! While it took Charles 7 months to reach [Read More…]


Aileen Macahilig

Aileen Macahilig30 Years Old, ConfidentialWeight Change – 170 lbs to 148.2 lbs Aileen had doubts in bringing back her college body back after all these years and considering that she went through 2 pregnancies during this timeframe, and similar to how a lot of our mommy clients used to think, it’s quite common to lose [Read More…]


Alyssa Gaisano

Alyssa Gaisano29 Years Old, ConfidentialWeight Change – 129.8 lbs to 118.1 lbs In today’s story time, we’ll share to everyone as to how precise our methods are to the point that Alyssa was able to get herself properly checked, as per our advice, to which she found out that she was suffering from PCOS and [Read More…]


John Bituin

John Bituin33 Years Old, ConfidentialWeight Change – 244.2 lbs to 191.4 lbs We may sound like a broken record for blaming a lot of health issues on the pandemic but this is a sad fact that a lot of our friends and family members experienced the past year. John is no exception as he bloated [Read More…]


Anonymous Kaira

Anonymous Kaira31 Years Old, ConfidentialWeight Change – 119.7 lbs to 112 lbs Unlike our clients from the Philippines, Kaira, together with our other clients in the UK, have the freedom to exercise in parks and other recreational sites despite being under lockdown due to the pandemic. Kaira took this as an opportunity to drill in [Read More…]


Anonymous Marki

Anonymous Marki29 Years Old, ConfidentialWeight Change – 145.2 lbs to 126 lbs This transformation is a personal favorite of ours in the sense that it’s simple, quick and seamless month in and out! There are no medical conditions involved, no injuries to take into consideration, it’s merely a dietary change kind of situation. In a [Read More…]


Anonymous Richard

Anonymous Richard37 Years Old, ConfidentialWeight Change – 199.9 lbs to 177.5 lbs Being known as a chubby guy all his life, the first thing that would come to mind for his friends would be his chubby cheeks and extra huggable tummy. For years, Richard struggled to try and get fit, these efforts would involve marathons, [Read More…]


Joseph Dy

Joseph Dy39 Years Old, ConfidentialWeight Change – 192.9 lbs to 165.7 lbs People think that dieting is as straight forward as just eating “healthy foods”, but the reality is that every individual has their own set of food intolerances and unfortunately for Joseph, he has what is called histamine intolerance which would trigger certain conditions [Read More…]


Pat Cua

Patrick Cua27 Years Old, Lawyer/Legal ProfessionWeight Change – 204.8 lbs to 174.4 lbs Pat is no stranger to our transformation features as we’ve featured him 2 years ago. Unfortunately, due to the stress that comes with his profession and with the ongoing pandemic, he bloated up to what would be his heaviest weight yet. This [Read More…]