

Mike Nunez

Mike Daniel Nuñez 21 Years Old, Confidential Weight Change – 156.5 lbs to 140.6 lbs My engagement with Mike is probably one of the more memorable ones considering that we’ve only spoken on the phone ONCE, and throughout our entire engagement, we’ve only communicated via email. On top of this, Mike was actually a skeptic, [Read More…]

Sol Occiano UPDATE 29 Years Old, Cosplay Photographer Weight Change – 213 lbs to 166.4 lbs Despite losing 46.6 lbs in a span of 4 months, loose skin is not an issue for Sol. As you can see, our clients’ progress are sustained long term. This is of course brought about too by Sol’s continued compliance [Read More…]


Jhon Manuncia

Jhon Manuncia 29 Years Old, Confidential Weight Change – 180 lbs to 169.5 lbs If you’re one of the few people who works at home, then you’re one of the few fortunate souls who can skip the daily traffic, save up on transportation expenses and basically have more flexibility when it comes to your time. [Read More…]

Madelaine Darla Mercado 40 Years Old, Confidential Weight Change – 89 lbs to 83.8 lbs When Darla first approached me for an assessment, I was a bit confused. How can I help someone who’s already fit? What can I bring to the table to improve her physique further? Well as it turns out, quite a [Read More…]

Meira Leondegrance Confidential, Confidential Weight Change – 125.4 lbs to 117.2 lbs While most women would prefer to focus on working out and doubling on their workouts, my female clients are doubling their efforts to comply with their nutrition plans hence these results. Meira here is part of my coscom group and while she admits [Read More…]


Nina Kathrina Pineda

Nina Kathrina Pineda(@katchupoy__) 26 Years Old, Confidential Weight Change – 180 lbs to 139 lbs I’d like to end April with a BANG! I’ve been eyeing Kat’s progress for quite sometime now. It’s seldom that you get to see this level of dedication and rapid transformation from someone even from our pool of previous and [Read More…]


Anonymous Lena

Anonymous Lena 33 Years Old, Confidential Weight Change – 136.4 lbs to 131.8 lbs People say that men have it easier than women. I say? It depends on which aspect in life are we talking about, but if it’s about fitness? Then that is a resounding yes. I’ve encountered a lot of fitness professionals who [Read More…]


Poch Marayag

Poch Marayag 32 Years Old, Physician Weight Change – 225 lbs to 195.8 lbs If there are people in this world that I respect the most, it would definitely be medical professionals. These people sacrificed years of their life just to be able to practice their respective professions and it’ll take decades for them to [Read More…]


Anonymous Jasper

Anonymous Jasper Confidential, Confidential Weight Change – 169.4 lbs to 155.9 lbs A majority of men who are overweight tend to have similar variables which caused their weight gain, some of these variables are inactivity, excessive eating, alcohol, lack of sleep and excessive consumption of sweets. While a majority of this can be easily fixed [Read More…]


Ktel Balanag

Ktel Balanag Confidential, Confidential Weight Change – 115 lbs to 104 lbs Don’t let the duration of our engagement fool you though as Ktel was on and off with the program. Her total time engaged with my services is a total of 5 months and while the first 3 months were more or less yoyo [Read More…]